New! Two types of cost share grants!
Did you know the District now offers two types of Cost Share Grants? You can now apply for either a Habitat Restoration grant or a Stewardship grant. Each grant has a different application deadline and requirements, so read on for more information.
Habitat Restoration grants
Habitat restoration restores native plant communities in an area where native plants have been degraded or removed. Invasive plant removal is not eligible for funding but may be used as grant match. These grants required a 50% grant match. Landscaping, bee lawns, or fescue lawn conversions are not eligible for habitat restoration grants.
The deadlines to apply for this type of grant are July 22, 2021 and October 21, 2021.
Funding limits and other information is available at:
Stewardship grants
Stewardship grants prevent stormwater pollution to our lakes and Nine Mile Creek. There are many kinds of projects that qualify these grants including raingardens, shoreline buffers, permeable pavers, green roofs, or even chloride reduction project. These grants require a 25% match.
The deadline for this grant type is March 19, 2021.
Funding limits and other information is available at:
Information Session
The District will hold a virtual information session on Thursday, February 11, 2021, at 5:30 PM to help you navigate the application process of both types of grants. Register to attend at: