Learn about stormwater management practices and habitat restoration at Discovery Point.
Stormwater management practices at Discovery Point keep water onsite, stopping pollution from getting into our lakes and creek. Which of the practices could work at your home or office? Visit, and find out!
Four raingardens at Discovery Point collect and filter rainwater. With their long roots, a variety of Minnesota native plants and cultivars help hold soil in place, filter water, and provide habitat for pollinators.
Permeable Surfaces:
Permeable pavers provide a stable parking surface that allow rainwater to soak into the ground. The front sidewalk uses a second type of permeable paver. In the overflow parking area, what looks like grass, is actually reinforced turf. This allows cars to park in the lot without compacting the soil.
A 1,050-gallon cistern collects and stores water from the 1/3 of the roof for irrigation. The cistern completely fills in a 1″ rain event. Overflow water drains to the spiral raingarden via the runnel wall—an artistic stone wall that conveys water behind the building.

Learn More About It
At key locations around Discovery Point, signs explain stormwater management practices and how you can do your part to protect our environment.
Habitat Restoration:
At Discovery Point, through an ongoing process, we are restoring native plant communities and removing invasive species, such as buckthorn, non-native honeysuckle, burdock, and garlic mustard. In February 2017, the first phase of restoration began on the southeastern portion of the property.
Interested in improving the habitat on your property? The seeds in the Little Seed Library can get you started! Learn more
Vernal Pool:
We created a seasonal wetland south of the office by building an earthen berm and a low dam, called a weir. These structures allow for the ponding of water. In the spring, vernal pools teem with plant and animal life.
Walking Trails:
Discovery Point is connected to a City of Eden Prairie’s walking path that winds around the Cardinal Creek Conservation Area. This wetland complex drains to Bryant Lake, through which Nine Mile Creek flows. Park at Discovery Point, walk by the vernal pool, and make your way onto the adjoining trail as you consider how our water resources are connected.
View Cardinal Creek Wetland trail map
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