A Successful Raingarden Story
It has been a little more than a year since Laura Butt’s raingarden was installed, and it has been quite the accomplishment! This 20 x 40 foot raingarden collects water from the roof and property and quickly soaks it into the ground. Within 12 hours after a storm, this raingarden is drained and has treated all the stormwater from the property. The stormdrains near Laura’s house in Bloomington lead to Nine Mile Creek; her project helps keep Nine Mile Creek’s waters cleaner- and her neighbors have noticed the great work!
Laura Butts – “We had so many curious neighbors stop by during the formation of our raingarden wanting to know about our project. I had typed up some information about raingardens and would pass them out any time someone stopped by to chat. Since completing the raingarden, I’ve had so many compliments on my garden. One neighbor said she was able to talk her partner into adding natives to their backyard after she could show that natives can be beautiful as well as productive. Another neighbor said she’s changed the path the takes through our neighborhood so that she can walk past my garden every night. It’s been so rewarding to see how much enjoyment it’s brought to our neighbors and how many people have been encouraged to add native plants to their yards as well. It brings me joy that we have so many pollinators visit our raingarden each day. We had so much growth in the first year alone and we can’t wait to see how it develops in the years to come.”
This project was funded through our Stewardship Grant Program. The applications for the Stewardship Grant Program this year are due by March 17th, 2023 by 4 PM. The District also offers Habitat Restoration Grants for projects that help restore native habitat. Those applications are due May 15th and August 14th, 2023 by 4 PM.
Check out our Grants page to learn how you could have a great experience like Laura!