Raingarden signs installed at non-profit project sites
Non-profit raingarden sites receive educational signs
The Nine Mile Creek Watershed District completed a project in 2020 where priority locations were targeted for stormwater best management practices. The District installed six raingardens at five non-profit sites. Raingardens are shallow basins designed to catch and soak in stormwater as it runs off the land.
The District recently installed educational signs at each of these five sites. The signs explain what a raingarden is, and why we installed them, as well as the specific benefits of each raingarden.
An example is shown on this page; click on the picture to see each sign, or visit the sites to see them for yourself!
Raingardens were installed at:
- Chapel Hills United Church of Christ: 6512 Vernon Ave S, Edina, MN 5543
- Good Samaritan United Methodist Church: 5730 Grove St, Edina, MN 55436
- The Church of St. Edward: 9401 Nesbitt Ave S, Bloomington, MN 55437
- St. Luke’s Lutheran Church/ Mt. Olivet Rolling Acres: 1701 W Old Shakopee Rd/1601 W Old Shakopee Rd, Bloomington, MN 55431
- Oak Grove Presbyterian Church: 2200 W Old Shakopee Rd, Bloomington, MN 55431
More information on the project is found on our Current Projects page.
Thanks to all the partners that helped make this project possible:
Planning assistance and project design provided by Barr Engineering
Interpretive sign design by The Design Company with graphic support from Barr Engineering
This project was funded with NMCWD capital improvement funds, in addition to grant funds from: