Prescribed burn at District office

Prescribed burn at NMCWD office_photo by NMCWD
Prescribed burn at District office in 2021

Prescribed Burn

On April 24th, Stantec conducted a small prescribed burn at Nine Mile Creek Watershed District’s property located at 12800 Gerard Drive in Eden Prairie. The purpose of the burn was to reduce dead plant material, suppress invasive weeds, and return nutrients to the soil for native plants to grow. Permits for the burn were issued by Eden Prairie and the Department of Natural Resources.

Habitat Restoration

The prescribed burn is part of ongoing habitat restoration work the District is undertaking at its office site. This habitat restoration focused on removing buckthorn from the 5-acre property, and replanting with a more diverse mix of native flowers, grasses, and shrubs. Since 2014, the District has planted more than 300 shrubs and 100 trees at Discovery Point. Volunteers have helped install over 2,000 native plants. Over 2 acres of land have been seeded with native seed mixes.

Watch a short 5 minute video on the Phase 3 habitat restoration work at Discovery Point. Find out more about the project here.

branch and leaves of common buckthorn

Buckthorn is an invasive plant that creates a dense thicket in forests. It shades out native plants and has little value to wildlife. More information>


If you have questions about the restoration project or would like more information, contact Brett, Project & Planning Manager, at 952-356-1999 or