Discovery Point Habitat Restoration continues

Before and after buckthorn removal

In the last week of November 2017, crews from Minnesota Native Landscapes cleared invasive buckthorn and honeysuckle from the southwestern quarter of Discovery Point grounds.  Selected trees were also removed. Many of the trees were green ash, and at risk for Emerald Ash Borer. This restoration work is guided by our multi-year Ecological Master Plan.

Discovery Point Ecological Master Plan_2016

We plan to plant native trees and shrubs in the spring of 2018. We will also hold a volunteer planting event to plant native flowers and grasses-stay tuned for details. These new plants will help make a healthier urban forest that can better resist disease.


branch and leaves of common buckthorn

Common buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica) is an invasive plant that creates a dense thicket in forests. It shades out native plants and has little value to wildlife. In the fall, it is usually the only green plant left in the woods. You can also look for blue-black berries, and short thorns on the end of branches.

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Learn more: Discovery Point Restoration

We are excited about the ecological restoration on our site! Please ask us questions and visit our site to learn more. You can contact Erica, Program and Project Manager, at 952-358-2276 or with your questions or comments.