Smart Salting Resolution
The Nine Mile Creek Watershed District (NMCWD) is in support of legislation that would provide limited liability protection to commercial salt applicators that are certified through the Smart Salting training program. Smalt Salting is a training and certification program for public and private salt applicators offered through the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. The Minnesota Association of Watershed Districts (MAWD) approved a resolution supporting the legislation, as recommended by the NMCWD.
The Smart Salting trainings teach best management practices in salt application. This includes how to determine proper application rates for given weather conditions and how to maintain safe surfaces without applying too much salt. Commercial applicators certified through the Smart Salting training would be able to apply for liability protection.
Last week, the Edina City Council unanimously approved a resolution of support for state law that provides limited liability to commercial salt applicators certified through the Smart Salting program and using best practices. We are happy to see support for this legislation growing.
Thanks to the members of the Stop Over Salting group, a coalition of citizen volunteers who advocate for strategies to reduce over salting and maintain safe winter roads, parking lots and sidewalks.