New Administrator Hired

Picture of Randy Anhorn, District AdministratorI would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself as the new District Administrator for the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District. My name is Randy Anhorn. I grew up in Central Minnesota and currently live in Independence, MN with my wife and two children. While growing up I spent a lot of time camping and fishing with family and friends. This time outdoors has fortified the strong connection I feel to our lakes and rivers. It has also shaped my belief that our water resources play an important role in our everyday life, contributing to our economy, recreational activities, education and lifestyle. I’m excited about this tremendous opportunity to make a valuable contribution to protect and manage the Nine Mile Creek watershed’s water resources.

I have B.S. and M.A. degrees in aquatic biology and more than 25 years of experience working on natural and water resource management issues. My past work experience includes time as the Supervisor of the Land and Water Unit at Hennepin County, as the District Administrator/Aquatic Biologist for the Comfort Lake – Forest Lake Watershed District in northern Washington County, and as a Principal Environmental Scientist for the Metropolitan Council.

My professional experiences include initiating and managing numerous watershed-wide pollutant loading and total maximum daily load (TMDL) studies and leading diverse stakeholder groups through long-range planning processes. I can’t wait to apply my past experiences to the District’s projects and programs. I believe, as do the District’s Board of Managers, that our efforts, even small ones, can have a big cumulative impact on the condition of our lakes and rivers.


Randy Anhorn Signature