Accepting online bids for streambank project

South Fork Nine Mile Creek Stabilization Project, Eden Prairie

Erosion on Nine Mile Creek in Edina
Streambank Erosion Needing Repair

Nine Mile Creek Watershed District will be accepting online, electronic bids only for streambank stabilization on a portion of the south fork of Nine Mile Creek running through Eden Prairie. Bids will be received by NMCWD via QuestCDN VirtuBid (; 952-233-1632 or until 2:00 p.m. CDT, Tuesday, July 30, 2024, and opened immediately thereafter. Our QuestCDN number is 9215298.

The work includes the installation of woody material (toewood, tree trunks, and brush bundles), restoration of riffle habitat, reshaping stream banks with bank full benches, narrowing the stream channel, removing woody invasive species, and seeding native riparian vegetation. The work will be completed in late summer and fall 2024.


Learn more about this project here: South Fork Streambank Stabilization