Board Vacancies
Nine Mile Creek Watershed District Board Vacancies
There were two vacancies on the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District Board due to expiration of term of office on September 29, 2024 for Robert Cutshall who was first appointed on October 29, 2018. Mr. Cutshall indicated he intends to seek another term. Grace Butler, who has served on the board since March 2016, is resigning her position on the board. Applications were accepted in mid-August. The application period has now closed. New and/or returning members will be appointed in September 2024.
Members serve three-year terms.
Applications will be accepted from July 5 to August 5 2024. Interviews will be played during the County Administration, Operations and Budget Committee meeting on August 13, 2024.

Who should apply?
You may want to become a watershed district manager if you are interested in:
- water resources
- preserving the environment
- protecting Nine Mile Creek, local lakes, and natural resources
A member may not be a public officer of the county, state or federal government and must be a resident of the district. The cities of Bloomington, Edina, Eden Prairie, Hopkins, Minnetonka and Richfield have land within the District. Members serve three-year terms, and are appointed by the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners.
Managers attend regularly scheduled district board meetings, along with other special meetings related to the business of the district. A watershed district manager presides over the business of the district as it relates to finances of the District, conservation of natural resources, regulation of land disturbing activities, flood control and the protection and improvement of water resources. Because of these duties, it is helpful to have members who have a background in water conservation, development, law, engineering, natural resources, administration, etc.
Regular board meetings are scheduled at 6:30 PM on the third Wednesday of the month and board workshops are the first Thursday of the month at 5:30 PM. A member of the board is expected to spend at least 12 hours of time a month on watershed district work.
How to apply
To learn how to apply please visit the Hennepin County website here:
Open the third tab labeled “How to apply” and follow the steps listed there.
Contact District Administrator Erica Sniegowski at or 952-358-2276.