Water Management Plan Released for Review
The Nine Mile Creek Watershed District (District) is nearing the end of a year-and-a half planning process to update its 10-year Water Management Plan (Plan). This planning process included input from the District’s Technical and Citizen Advisory Committees as well as watershed residents. The updated fifth generation Plan will set the District’s goals and priorities that will define our programs and capital projects to protect and enhance our water resources over the next 10-years (2017-2027). Previous plans were published in 1961, 1973, 1996, and 2007.
The District’s Plan sets the vision, guidelines, and proposed tasks for managing surface water within the boundaries of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District (NMCWD). The Plan is prepared in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 103D and 103B.231, and Minnesota Rules 8410.
At the March 15, 2017 regular board meeting, the NMCWD Board approved the draft Plan for submittal of a required 60-day public review period. Comments on the draft Plan were due by May 15, 2017.
Please direct questions and comments on the Plan to Randy Anhorn, District Administrator, at 952.835.2078 or ranhorn@ninemilecreek.org.
Following the 60-day review comment period, the District will review and respond to the comments, hold a public hearing on the revised draft Plan and submit the final Plan to the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) for their final (90 day) review and approval. It is the goal of the NMCWD Board to formally adopt the BWSR approved Plan at its October or November regular meeting.
Learn More: Water Management Plan