The District’s Water Management Plan guides the work we do managing surface water within our boundaries.


The Nine Mile Creek Watershed District (NMCWD) Management Plan (Plan) sets the vision, guidelines, and proposed tasks for managing surface water within the boundaries of the NMCWD.

Nine Mile Creek Water Management Plan (2017-2027)

The Fifth Generation Nine Mile Creek Water Management Plan was prepared in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 103D and 103B.231, and Minnesota Rules 8410.

NMCWD Water Management Plan 2017-2027 (Adopted October 18, 2017; Amended April 2018, April 2019, and September 2023)

Water Management Plan Update (2017-2027 Plan)

The District is required to update its water management plan every ten years. The planning process for the most recent update included input from the District’s Technical and Citizen Advisory Committees, as well as watershed residents. The updated plan sets the goals and priorities that define the District’s programs and capital projects to protect and enhance our water resources over the next ten years (2017-2027). Previous plans were published in 1961, 1973, 1996, and 2007.

Public Hearing

The District held a public hearing to receive comments and consider its ten year Water Management Plan on July 19, 2017 at 6:45 PM at the District’s office.

90 Day Review/Board of Soil and Water Resources Approval

Following the public hearing on July 19, 2017, the District submitted the final plan to the Board of Soil and Water Resources (BWSR) for their final (90 day) review and approval. BWSR approved the District’s Fifth Generation Water Management Plan on September 27, 2017. The District Board formally adopted the Fifth Generation Water Management Plan at its October 18, 2017 regular board meeting.

Stakeholder Involvement

Word cloud representing the key issues expressed at the May 4 Community Input Meeting for NMCWD Water Manangement Plan
Word cloud representing the key issues expressed at the May 4 Community Input Meeting

The District held regular meetings with its Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), made up of agency representatives including state, regional, county, and city staff members, to gather recommendations, input, and insight on the plan.

The District collected feedback from the community through an online Community Input Survey. The survey received 719 responses, and the information was incorporated by the NMCWD Board of Managers as they prioritized issues to be addressed in the Plan.

NMCWD Plan Update – Summary of Online Survey Results (PDF)

The District also hosted a community input forum on May 4, 2016 to solicit feedback regarding citizen issues and concerns.

Summary of May 4, 2016 Community Input Forum (PDF)

The District Board of Managers had monthly meetings to review stakeholder input and to work on the development of the next generation plan.

About the Previous 2007-2017 Plan

Required by law, the District’s previous Plan was adopted in March 2007. The Plan was prepared in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 103D and 103B.231, and Minnesota Rules 8410.

2007-2017 Water Management Plan Summary (PDF)

Nine Mile Creek Watershed District Water Management Plan 2007-2017 (PDF)

NMCWD Water Management Plan Amendment 9-21-2016 (PDF)


If you have any questions or comments regarding the water management plan, please contact the District’s Administrator, Erica Sniegowski, at 952-358-2276.


