The District conducted a water quality study on Lake Holiday, Wing Lake, and Lake Rose in Minnetonka.
Project Description

The District has completed a lake water quality study to identify potential water quality improvement projects to improve the health of these lakes. The District is currently completing a feasibility study and preliminary engineering study for the recommended management activities from the completed 2022 water quality study. The feasibility study will be completed during the summer of 2023. The District will use the feasibility study to move towards project implementation to improve the health of Lake Holiday, Wing Lake, and Lake Rose.
2023 Feasibility Study
The feasibility and preliminary engineering study further evaluates the feasibility of the recommended management activities and is used by the Nine Mile Creek Board of Managers to order a project.
2022 Water Quality Study
Read the results of the water quality, which includes high-level management recommendations.
Summary: Lake Holiday, Wing Lake, Lake Rose Water Quality Study Summary (2022 Final)
Full Study: Lake Holiday, Wing Lake, Lake Rose Water Quality Study (2022 Final)
Resources and past community engagement
Soil Testing pilot program
This pilot program is being tested in the Holiday/Wing/Rose Lake subwatersheds in Minnetonka for the 2023 year. These areas were chosen based on high levels of nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen found in these lakes. This program is part of a larger suite of projects to improve the health of these particular lakes. We are offering free soil testing kits to the first 30 people in the pilot area who sign up. The District will cover the cost of the U of M soil test.
Testing your soil can help you learn how much fertilizer you actually need, which leads to a healthier lawn and watershed. Besides having a healthier watershed, soil testing is also a great way to save money. Knowing the amount of each nutrient that is needed makes it easier for to find the right fertilizer and apply it in the correct amounts.
To learn more about the program and see if you are eligible to receive a free testing kit, visit this website: ninemilecreek.org/soil-testing/
Shallow Lakes Webinar
Learn more about shallow lakes and their functions and values. What does a shallow lake look like, and why are plants so important? What are the rules and regulations regarding shallow lakes? Joe Bischoff, a Senior Aquatic Ecologist and Certified Lake Manger with Barr Engineering Co, presented a webinar on April 12 to answer these questions and more. View the full recording below.
Shallow Lakes Webinar Recording available
Past Community Meetings
The Nine Mile Creek Watershed District held a public hearing on 12/7/23 at the District’s office to receive comments on the proposed projects.
The Nine Mile Creek Watershed District partnered with the City of Minnetonka to host an open house on 12/5/23 at the Minnetonka Community Center. City and watershed district staff were available to answer questions about the project and had visuals to describe the proposed lake improvement techniques.
Barr Engineering Company staff presented the results of the Holiday, Wing, Rose Lakes water quality study at a community meeting on 6/22/22. They also presented management recommendations for improving the health of these three lakes.
An “Ask the Expert” meeting was held on 6/8/22 to answer questions generated by community members about Holiday, Wing, and Rose Lakes. Minnetonka and Nine Mile Creek staff answered questions, along with staff from Barr Engineering Company and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.
A community kick-off meeting was held on 9/29/21 at the Minnetonka Community Center. A presentation was given by the District’s engineering firm, Barr Engineering. Following the presentation, small group discussions occurred through which the District to gathered input on values and concerns regarding the lakes.
Community Meeting Presentation: Holiday Wing Rose Community Meeting_September 29 2021 (PDF)
Read the feedback from the Community Kickoff Meeting: Holiday Wing Rose Community Meeting Notes_September 29 2021 (PDF)
Lake User Survey
Thank you to everyone who took the lake user survey. The survey is meant to provide community feedback to Nine Mile Creek Watershed District staff, engineers, and the board of managers, along with the City of Minnetonka to assist in the evaluation of management strategies designed to improve the health of Lake Holiday, Wing Lake, and Lake Rose. The survey was active September 1-October 1, 2021, and was targeted to those who live on Lake Holiday, Wing Lake, and Lake Rose and those that live or work in the area of land that drains to these lakes. 85 responses were received.
Read the survey summary: Holiday Wing Rose Lake User Survey Summary (PDF)
Shallow Lakes Story Map
Check out this story map to learn about what is so special about shallow lakes! To view the story map in a new browser window, click here.
Watch this video to learn more about expectations for shallow, urban lakes and how they differ from deep water lakes.
Learn More- Shallow Lakes: Minnesota’s Natural Heritage (PDF)
Learn more about each of the lakes at our lake pages below:
More information
Check this page as we will update it when we have new information. For more information on the lake water quality study or on Lake Holiday, Wing Lake, or Lake Rose, contact Erica Sniegowski, District Administrator, at 952-358-2276.