

Wing Lake, just north of Excelsior Blvd. in Minnetonka, is a shallow lake that has poor water quality.

Street map of Wing Lake Area
Wing Lake, Minnetonka

Water Quality

graph of phosphorus levels in Wing Lake over time
Phosphorus levels in Wing Lake are consistently worse than the state standard.

Water quality of Wing Lake is poor, with average nutrient levels higher than state standards for shallow lakes. Phosphorus is the nutrient that fuels algae and plant growth. Too much phosphorus can lead to unwanted algae blooms in a lake. The high levels of phosphorus in Wing Lake have allowed for algae to grow. Algae has decreased water clarity and water quality of Wing Lake. Overall, the high nutrient levels and presence of algae in Wing Lake indicate poor water quality.

Wing Lake is a Citizen-Assisted Monitoring Program (CAMP) lake. Citizen volunteers collect water samples which are analyzed by the Met Council. This data is used to supplement District monitoring data. Thank you to our CAMP volunteers.

graph of chlorophyll a levels in Wing Lake over time
Chlorophyll-a levels in Wing Lake are consistently worse than the state standard.
graph of water clarity levels in Wing Lake over time
Water Clarity in Wing Lake is poor; water clarity is worse than the state standard









Printable Wing Lake Fact Sheet

Current Projects

The District has completed a lake water quality study to identify potential water quality improvement projects to improve the health of the Holiday-Wing-Rose chain of lakes. The District is currently completing a feasibility study and preliminary engineering study for the recommended management activities from the completed 2022 water quality study. It is anticipated that the feasibility study will be completed late-May 2023. The District will use the feasibility study to move towards project implementation to improve the health of Lake Holiday, Wing Lake, and Lake Rose.

To learn more about this study, visit this website: Holiday, Wing, Rose Lakes study

The District has helped fund several best management projects near Wing Lake. Best management projects include raingardens, shoreline buffers, habitat restorations, and more. These projects help reduce runoff that enters Wing Lake. The District also provides education on pollution and runoff prevention.

For information about other past District projects, click here.

Shallow Lakes

Check out this story map to learn about what is so special about shallow lakes! To view the story map in a new browser window, click here.


Wing Lake does not have public access.


The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources may have additional information on the lake (including fishing regulations; location; water access sites; lake maps; lake reports on stocking, ice in/out and water quality; fish consumption; and aquatic plant surveys) if so, that information can be found here:


Downloadable water quality data can be found here:


diagram of ways to clean water—clean off boats for AIS, sweep up leaves and grass, pick up after pets, and plant native plants