Welcome GreenCorps Member!
MN GreenCorps Member started in September!
Alissa Schmidt is a MN GreenCorps Member serving her 2022-2023 term at the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District. She graduated from the University of Wisconsin – River Falls in May of 2021 with an Environmental Planning Degree and a GIS Minor. She also worked at the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board this past summer of 2022 as a Research Assistant. In her spare time she loves going for walks and hikes outside, cooking, baking, and taking care of her house plants. Alissa is excited to get to know the community here and learn how to keep our lakes and creeks clean. Feel free to say hello at events and programs!
While Alissa is serving her GreenCorps term at the District, she will be working on a variety of topics, including education, salt reduction campaigns, and capital improvement project outreach.