Eden Prairie
Birch Island Lake, located just east of Purgatory Creek in Eden Prairie, is a shallow lake with vegetation that fills the lake’s bottom.
Water Quality
Water quality of Birch Island Lake is poor, with average nutrient levels higher than state standards for shallow lakes. Birch Island Lake does have a diverse range of aquatic plants present in the lake. There are a total of 12 different plant species. Typically the plant community in the western two thirds of the lake is primarily comprised of cattails and other wetland vegetation. However, heavy rainfall during June of 2014 raised the water level in the lake by 6 feet, causing cattails to die off. In 2015, the invasive species purple loosestrife was recorded in aquatic plant cataloging.
Printable Birch Island Lake Fact Sheet
Current Studies
The District is currently conducting a lake water quality study to identify potential projects to help improve the overall health of the lake.
Learn more about the water quality study
Past Projects
In 2008, the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District installed a pipe to direct water from the area north of 62 into Birch Island Lake to help ease water levels that had been declining since the mid-1980s. The District also cleaned out and improved two existing stormwater basins and constructed a new stormwater pond to treat stormwater runoff prior to reaching Birch Island Lake to improve water quality. These projects were part of the larger Eden Prairie Lakes Water Quality Improvement Project.
For information about other past District projects, click here
Nearby Birch Island Park has a hiking trail, picnic area, and playground. Birch Island Lake has canoe access.
Birch Island District Information and Walking Tour (PDF)
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources may have additional information on the lake (including fishing regulations; location; water access sites; lake maps; lake reports on stocking, ice in/out and water quality; fish consumption; and aquatic plant surveys) if so, that information can be found here:
Downloadable water quality data can be found here: