Bloomington Public Schools using Anti-Icing Strategies

Making sure kids are safe at school has always been a top priority for Craig Nordstrom. A Bloomington resident since 1975, Craig joined the facilities staff at Bloomington Public Schools in the early ’90s. Throughout his career, he focused on finding cost-effective ways to ensure the safety of students and staff across the 17 buildings that comprise the Bloomington Public School system.
In 2010, Craig attended a Winter Parking Lot and Sidewalk Maintenance training sponsored by Nine Mile Creek Watershed District (NMCWD). After the training, he realized that the school’s system of salting sidewalks was not only ineffective but also contributing to the major chloride issues in their watershed. Nine Mile Creek is impaired for chloride, and a 62% reduction of salt applications — including road and sidewalk salting — is needed for the creek to become healthy again.
Read the full article at Clean Water MN