Date: Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Time: 9 AM to 3 PM

Location: Nine Mile Creek Discovery Point (12800 Gerard Dr., Eden Prairie)

Cost: Free to participants

Registration: Complete form below.

Spend the day at a beautiful education center, learning how to incorporate water education into your curriculum. Get trained on Project WET activities using the woods and wetlands around Discovery Point, and become confident using them both indoors and out!

Project WET activities are designed to be easy to use to complement existing curricula rather than replace or add additional concepts. Activities fulfill objectives and educational standards in the sciences, as well as other disciplines, from fine arts to health.

Hosted by the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District and the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District.

Participants get:

  • Project WET K-12 Curriculum and Activity Guide
  • Six (6) CEUs (continuing education units)
  • Posters and other supplemental resources
  • Lunch and morning refreshments

Who should attend?

  • K-12 school teachers
  • Naturalists
  • Watershed District volunteers
  • Other informal educators


Gael Zembal, Education & Outreach Coordinator | | 952-658-9104

