Normandale Lake Community Meeting
About: Join the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District at a community meeting about Normandale Lake. Get a mid-project check-in regarding the Normandale Lake Water Quality Improvement Project, hear about lake monitoring data and the District’s adaptive management strategy for the lake. The District will also briefly discuss the planned spring 2021 partial lake herbicide treatment for curly-leaf pondweed in Normandale. For more information on the project, visit the current project webpage. Board Managers from the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District may be in attendance at the community meeting.
Date: Thursday, February 18, 2021
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: Zoom, use link below.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 918 5486 6372
Passcode: 097816
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Take a community feedback survey!
Share your feedback with the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District. Let us know how you think the Normandale Water Quality Project Improvement Project is going. As a reminder, the goals of the Normandale Lake project are to improve water quality and the ecological health of Normandale Lake. To date, the projects that have been implemented at Normandale Lake have included a lake drawdown (2018-2019), aluminum (alum) treatment (2019), and herbicide treatment (2020). For more information on the project, visit the current project webpage.