New Board Manager Appointed
New Board Manager Appointed
In November, Bob Cutshall was sworn in as the newest Board Manager for the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District. Manager Cutshall lives in Eden Prairie and is a Minnesota Water Steward volunteer with the District. He was previously on the District’s Citizen Advisory Committee, and in 2017 was awarded District “Volunteer of the Year”. We are happy to welcome Manager Cutshall to our Board.
The Nine Mile Creek Watershed District is guided by a five-member Board of Managers. The managers are appointed by the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners to three-year terms, and direct the activities of the District. The Board of Managers meets the third Wednesday of each month at 7 PM at the District’s office, Nine Mile Creek Discovery Point (12800 Gerard Dr., Eden Prairie), unless otherwise noted. Meetings are open to the public.