Minor Plan Amendment Comment Period Open
The comment period for this proposed minor plan amendment is closed.
Notice of 30-day Public Comment Period for Minor Plan Amendment and Public Hearing
The Nine Mile Creek Watershed District (NMCWD) is soliciting comments on a proposed amendment of its Water Management Plan. The proposed minor amendment is to incorporate Wetland Protection and Restoration Projects into the Capital Improvement Project section (section 6) of the District’s Water Management Plan. The plan currently includes language on the importance of wetlands within the watershed. It was identified in the District’s Water Management Plan Table 6-1 (Implementation Studies) that we would develop restoration and protection plans for high quality wetland areas. However, we did not include in our Table 6-2 Capital Improvement Projects a line item and budget for this implementation. The draft language for adding wetland restoration to our CIP table is found below:
Proposed Minor Plan Amendment: NMCWD WMP Table 6-2_Draft (July 2023)
NMCWD WMP Table 6-1 Implementation Studies Excerpt
More information on the completed wetland restoration study is found here: www.ninemilecreek.org/wetland-study.
Comments are due by Thursday, August 24, 2023.
Comments on the minor plan amendment may be submitted by mail or email and must be received by Thursday, August 24, 2023.
Comments on the minor plan amendment should be submitted to Brett Eidem, Natural Resources Project and Planning Manager:
- Mail: Nine Mile Creek Watershed District, Attn: Brett Eidem, 12800 Gerard Drive, Eden Prairie, MN 55346
- Email: beidem@ninemilecreek.org
Comments on the minor plan amendment should also be submitted to Steve Christopher, Board Conservationist, Board of Soil and Water Resources, at Steve.Christopher@state.mn.us
Public Hearing
In addition to receiving written public comment, the District will hold a public hearing on Thursday, September 7, 2023 at 5:30 PM at the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District office, 12800 Gerard Drive, Eden Prairie, MN, at which time all interested persons will have the opportunity to address the District Board of Managers concerning the proposed minor plan amendment.
At the conclusion of the public hearing, the board of managers will weigh all comments received in writing and offered at the public hearing before considering the adoption of the minor Plan amendment and ordering of the project.