There is no better learning than getting your hands wet and your feet in the creek.
Our school programs include hands-on components and active demonstrations, so students can learn by doing. Students can test water quality, search for water bugs (macroinvertebrates), or follow the creek’s path on a map.
School Visits
We visit schools, and present water related activities and lessons to all grades. We create unique lessons that meet individual classroom needs. Lesson topics include watersheds, the water cycle, macroinvertebrates, and more. We also offer programs in Spanish, given enough notice.
Field Trips
Take a trip to the creek or a nearby pond to learn about water science at the source. Students can learn how to find water bugs using a dip net or sample water and test levels of chemicals and nutrients.
Project WET (Water Education for Teachers)
We offer Project WET trainings for teachers and informal educators, which qualify for CEUs.
Want to learn more about one of these programs? Contact Contact Gael, Education & Outreach Coordinator at or 952-204-9691.