

The project addressed curly-leaf pondweed (an invasive aquatic plant) and excess phosphorus levels in Southeast Anderson Lake. The project treated curly-leaf pondweed in the lake with Endothal-K for six years.

Project Details

In March 2008, the City of Bloomington petitioned the District for a water quality improvement project on Southeast Anderson Lake. Treatments began in 2008 and were continued yearly through 2013. In 2014, vegetation surveys determined additional treatment was not necessary.

Southeast Anderson Lake Water Quality Improvement Project Engineer’s Report 2009 (PDF)

Water Quality Impacts

The project reduced the lake’s internal phosphorus load caused by curly-leaf pondweed and improved the diversity of the native aquatic plant community. Vegetation surveys in 2014 found no curly-leaf pondweed in the lake; the number of native aquatic plants has also increased. In 2014, it was determined that additional herbicide treatment was not necessary. The District continues to monitor the vegetation and water quality of Southeast Anderson Lake. In normal rainfall years, water quality has improved, due to the control of curly-leaf pondweed. In dry or wet years, water quality decreases.