Help stop the spread of Aquatic Invasive Species.
What are Aquatic Invasive Species?
Aquatic invasive species (AIS) are non-native plants and animals that tend to spread rapidly and out-compete resident species. AIS cause damage to the environment or economic loss. They include zebra mussels, Eurasian watermilfoil, and curly-leaf pondweed.
What is the District doing?
The District Board of Managers directed staff and consultants to develop a Rapid Response Plan to quickly and effectively deal with new AIS infestations. This plan details the responsibilities of not only the District, but cities and other partners in identifying and managing new AIS infestations. You can read the full plan below.
Protect Minnesota Lakes and Creeks
While there can be many ways of spreading these species, the most common include transporting them on boats, trailers, or boat lifts. Dumping leftover bait or unwanted aquarium plants and animals in lakes or creeks can also spread AIS.
Always follow state aquatic invasive species laws to protect Minnesota’s waterbodies:
- Clean your watercraft, trailer, and other water-related equipment of all visible zebra mussels, aquatic plants, and other prohibited invasive species before leaving any water access or shoreland.
- Drain water-related equipment and livewells before leaving a water access or shoreland. Keep drain plugs out during transportation.
- Dispose of all unwanted bait in the trash.
For more information, visit:
How can I help?
Adopt a Dock
If you live on a lake in the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District, consider participating in the Adopt a Dock program. Dock owners install a zebra mussel detection plate at the end of their dock, and check it once a month for zebra mussels. If you find a possible zebra mussel, District staff will come out to verify and pick up the sample, then report it to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.
Any lakeshore owners who are interested in participating are encouraged to contact Gael Zembal: 952-204-9691 or
AIS Early Detectors Training
Are you involved in a lake group that wants to take action? In this training, lake groups learn to conduct monitoring for AIS, with a focus on early detection of species not already widespread in Hennepin County. Volunteers are trained and equipped so that a lake is periodically monitored for AIS. Any new species found can be detected early and better eradicated or managed. For more information, contact Gael Zembal: 952-204-9691 or
What is the watershed district doing?
Monitoring and Management
Nine Mile Creek is monitored yearly by the District and the lakes are monitored on a rotating basis. Lake and creek monitoring data are summarized yearly in our Annual Reports, including any AIS information.
Education is an important tool in stopping the spread of AIS. The District partnered with the City of Bloomington and local artists to create a Popup Education Cart with staff led hands-on activities that teach about AIS prevention. Find a Popup event, and come check out the fun!
AIS Identification Guide: A Minnesota Handbook