

Shady Oak Lake, east of Interstate 494 in Minnetonka, is a clear, spring fed, shallow lake that is popular for swimming and recreation.

Street view map of shady oak lake
Shady Oak Lake, Minnetonka

Water Quality

Graph of phosphorus levels in Shady Oak Lake
Phosphorus levels in Shady Oak Lake are consistently better than the state standard.

Water quality in Shady Oak Lake is excellent—monitoring parameters meet state standards. Shady Oak Lake has a small watershed area. This limits the amount of storm water runoff the lake receives, preventing the lake from receiving too many nutrients. Aquatic plant information shows that the lake has a healthy plant community that also meets state standards. Aquatic invasive species Eurasian watermilfoil and purple loosestrife are present, but are not over-taking the native populations.



Graph of Secchi Depth in Shady Oak Lake
Water clarity in Shady Oak Lake is consistently better than the state standard.
Graph of Chlorophyll-a levels in Shady Oak Lake
Chlorophyll-a levels in Shady Oak Lake are consistently better than the state standard.










Printable Shady Oak Lake Fact Sheet


Currently, the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District does not have projects planned for Shady Oak Lake. The small watershed area helps keep Shady Oak Lake healthy and limits stormwater runoff pollution entering the lake.

For information about other past District projects, click here


icon of person hikingicon of person swimmingicon of boaticon of fishing





Shady Oak Lake offers a wide variety of recreational opportunities. Amenities include the MN River Bluffs LRT regional trail which passes over the lake, a playground, volleyball nets, a swimming beach, and boat rentals. Admission is required for certain activities: find more information on the City of Minnetonka page. A variety of fish species live in the lake including: black bullhead, black crappie, bluegill, brown bullhead, green sunfish, hybrid sunfish, largemouth bass, northern pike, pumpkinseed, white crappie, yellow bullhead, yellow perch, common carp, white sucker, and golden shiner.


The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources may have additional information on the lake (including fishing regulations; location; water access sites; lake maps; lake reports on stocking, ice in/out and water quality; fish consumption; and aquatic plant surveys) if so, that information can be found here:


Downloadable water quality data can be found here:


diagram of ways to clean water—clean off boats for AIS, sweep up leaves and grass, pick up after pets, and plant native plants