Eden Prairie


Lake Smetana is tucked amongst office buildings and highways. It is perfect for lunch break strolls and spying wildlife in the midst of the city.

street map view of lake smetana
Lake Smetana, Eden Prairie

Water Quality

Graph of Phosphorous Levels in Lake Smetana going down since 1990
Phosphorus levels in Lake Smetana continue to decline and have been better than the state standard since 2013.

Water quality in Lake Smetana has improved since the early 2010’s. Water monitoring data indicates that nutrient levels have decreased and fall within state standards. These improvements are due to upstream water quality improvement projects completed by the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District on Bryant Lake. Lake Smetana is downstream of Bryant Lake, so projects that improved the health of Bryant Lake also improved the health of Lake Smetana. Invasive species curly leaf pondweed and purple loosestrife have been documented in the lake. Monitoring has also shown that Lake Smetana exceeds the state chloride standards. The high chloride is likely from road salt used on roads and parking lots around the lake.

Graph of Chlorophyll-a Levels in Lake Smetana. better than state standards since 2013
Chlorophyll-a levels in Lake Smetana have been decreasing and are now better than the state standard.
graph of water clarity in lake smetana, consistently better than state standards since 2013
Water clarity in Lake Smetana has improved since 2005 and now is better than the state standard.


Printable lake fact sheet

Past Projects

The South Fork of Nine Mile Creek originally flowed through a much smaller, marsh-like Lake Smetana. In 2002, Nine Mile Creek Watershed District raised the water level of the lake by 4 feet by constructing a dam in the outlet channel. This project was completed to address water quantity and flood control issues in the watershed.

The NMCWD’s alum treatments on Bryant Lake in 2008 and 2013 to control nutrient levels (phosphorus) help downstream Lake Smetana. This project resulted in a decrease in phosphorus, which improved the overall health of Bryant Lake and Lake Smetana. To address high chloride levels, the District offers a wide variety of trainings for salt applicators, property managers, and the public. NMCWD also started a Citizen Saltwatch program to help locate high chloride sources within the district.

For information about other past District projects, click here.

Smetana Lake UAA Summary 2020 (PDF)


icon of person hikingicon of picnic tableicon of fishing






Lake Smetana is the perfect spot for a lunch break. Amenities include a paved 1.6 mile loop, picnic areas, and a fishing pier. A variety of fish species live in the lake including: black bullhead, black crappie, bluegill, brown bullhead, green sunfish, hybrid sunfish, largemouth bass, northern pike, pumpkinseed, yellow bullhead, yellow perch, common carp, white sucker, and golden shiner.


The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources may have additional information on the lake (including fishing regulations; location; water access sites; lake maps; lake reports on stocking, ice in/out and water quality; fish consumption; and aquatic plant surveys) if so, that information can be found here:


Downloadable water quality data can be found here:


diagram of ways to clean water—clean off boats for AIS, sweep up leaves and grass, pick up after pets, and plant native plants