Adopt a Creek!

We have 4 stretches along Nine Mile Creek that need your help with trash pick up this year. We need volunteers to adopt these creek stretches to stop trash from flowing into the creek and harming aquatic life.

Zoom in on the map to see all four adoptable sites and click on the red strips along the creek to learn how to best approach these sites. Sites 2 and 3 are perfect for people who are looking for small projects. Interested in adopting one of these sites this spring? Sign up here:
Sign Up!

You can borrow safety materials and equipment at Discovery Point—just email Gael at Staff can also provide trash bags and work gloves if needed.

Adoptions only require one pick up in early spring before plants start to grow. Creek check-ins throughout the spring and summer are encouraged. Please report how many bags of trash you collect here: Wufoo form

Happy cleaning!